Each time someone travels to the past and interacts with others, the timeline is altered, creating a new timeline. However, when you return to the future, you will end up back at the timeline where you started, as if all the changes you've made in history never happened. There is, however, another strange discrepancy about time-travel in the Dragon World, and that is you may not always arrive at the same timeline that you got to on a previous attempt.

Hopefully, the chart below will show the different timelines more accurately.

    (c. Year 761)----------------------------------------|
    Cell arrives from the future; althernate timeline|   |
     created.  Although what he did to cause the     |   O
     change is unknown, somehow this changed the way |   r
     Dr. Gero controlled the cyborgs, his numbering  |   i
     of them, and the time when Goku gets afflicted  |   g
     by his heart disease.                           |   i
                                                     |   n
    (c. Year 762)------------------------------------+---a
    Freeza arrives                                  _|   l
                                                   / |   |--Goku teleports   
       Trunks shows up and kills Freeza; alternate-  |   T  to earth and
        timeline created.  Because he gave       |   |   i  kills Freeza.
        medicine to Goku, Goku doesn't die.  And |   |   m
        because now Vegeta knows that there can  |   |   e
        be more than one Super Saiyajin at a     |   |   l--Goku dies of
        time, in addition to what Super Saiyajin |   |   i  heart disease.
        looks like, he has something to strive   |   |   n
        for, and does become a Super Saiyajin.   |   |   e
                                                 |   |   |
    (c. Year 763 ~ 765)--------------------------+---|   |--(Same)
                                                 |   |   |
          #17 and #18 became disobedient to Dr. Gero |   |  Dr. Gero is
          and got deactivated.                   |   |   |  killed by #19
                                                 |   |   |  and #20.
    (c. Year 765)--------------------------------|   |   |
                                                 |   |   |
          #19 and #20 shows up, looking for Goku.|   |   |  #19 and #20
                                                _|   |   /  shows up,
          Trunks arrive from the future once   / |   /  /   killed most of
          again.  Alternate timeline created,--  /  /  /   the Z fighters,  
          though it is unknown what is different.  /  /   with Gohan as the
          No more alterations in/              /  /  /   only surviving Z
          this timeline.--------              /  /  /   fighter.
                      /  ____________________/  /  /
                     /  /                      /  /
                    /  /                      /  /
                   /  /  (Source of timeline /  /
                  /  /   alteration unknown)/  /
                 /  /       /              |  |
                /  /       /               |  |
               /  /       /                |  |
              /  /       /                 |  |--(c. Year 778)
             /  /       /                  |  |  Gohan gets killed by the
            /  /       /                   |  |  cyborgs (Trunks Special).
           /  /       /                    |  |
          /  /       /                     |  |
         |  |       |                      |  |
         |  |       |                      |  |
         |  |       |--(c. Year 782)       |  |--(c. Year 782)
         |  |       |  Trunks leaves for   |  |  Trunks leave for Year 762.
         |  |       |  Year 762, and       |  |  Upon returning, he finds
         |  |       |  arrives at a time-  |  |  that nothing has changed.
         |  |       |  line unknown to us. |  |
         |  |       |  He returns to find  |  |
         |  |       |  out that nothing has|  |
         |  |       |  changed.            |  |
         |  |       |                      |  |
         |  |       |                      |  |
         |  |       |--(c. Year 785)       |  |--(c. Year 785)
         |  |       |  Trunks head back for|  |  Trunks heads back for Year
         |  |       |  Year 765.  Returns  |  |  765, arrives at a timeline
         |  |       |  with a great power- |  |  unknown to us, returns with
         |  |       |  up and kills #17 and|  |  some way to get rid of the
         |  |       |  #18.                |  |  cyborgs (probably their
         |  |       |                      |  |  control mechanism).
         |  |       |                      |  |
         |  |       |--(c. Year 788)       |  |--(c. Year 788)
         |  |       |  Cell is born, finds |  |  Cell is born, finds out
         |  |       |  out that the cyborgs|  |  that the cyborgs have 
         |  |       |  have somehow been   |  |  somehow been destroyed, so
         |  |       |  destroyed, so tries |  |  he kills Trunks for his
         |  |       |  to kill Trunks for  |  |  time machine, and goes back
         |  |       |  the time machine,   |  |  to Year 761.
         |  |       |  but gets killed by  |  |
         |  |       |  Trunks instead.     |  |
                End of all Time-Travelling Activities.
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