- Anime and Manga Resources List
- One of the most extensive Anime/Manga links pages. If you're looking for something related to anime/manga on the internet, chances are you can find links to them here.

- Anime and Manga Theme Guide
- Contains brief descriptions of a variety of anime/manga series, as well as other nifty stuff and links
- Anime Grove
- Yet another Anime link archive ^^;
- Anime Midi Group
- Looking for the MIDI file to an anime series, but just can't find it? AMG will make one for you!
- Anime Web Turnpike
- Another good site to look for anime related sites.
- Camille 2 Port
- Though this page is not complete yet, it shows much promise in the things that are going to be here.. There will be information here about a few anime/manga series, as well as some anime-related organizations. Expect it to become really popular once the pages are near completion!
- Capsule Clan
- A new clan is forming.. Just what is the Capsule Clan? Follow the link to find out...
- Comic City
- The maintainer of this page takes a closer look at some of his favorite manga series, including Dragon Ball, Slam Dunk, Sailor Moon, and Ranma 1/2.
- MangaSeeker
- A relatively new manga-related links archive.
- Marisa's Anime and Manga Archive
- A new anime/manga links page; it's got a pretty nice setup..
- Mirai's World
- For all you Dragon Ball fans out there who'd like to see more than what we've been shown from the anime/manga, here's a place that archives many of the fan-fictions of Dragon Ball(Z).
- The Ranma 1/2 Universe
- Formerly The Ranma 1/2 Extended Home Page, this is the best site to find out things you want to know about Ranma 1/2 by Rumiko Takahashi.
- Sasami Shrine
- A way cool page dedicated to one of my favorite anime characters. Enter the shrine and see for yourself why Sasami is so cool.

- Tenchi Muyo (No Need for Tenchi)
- Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki is a very funny and intriguing anime series.
- Tenchi Muyo Links Around the World
- What it says... A whole bunch of Tenchi links =)
- ABC - Main Page
- No, this is not a site that teaches you the alphabet. This is a site for the American Broadcasting Company; I'm sure you've heard of it.
- Circle's Web Pages Center
- A place to get info about Red Alert, some MIDI files, and some other stuff.
- MovieLink OnLine
- Want to find out where they're playing that movie you've heard so much about? Check this site!
- You guessed it. This is NBC online.
- Nomad's Campsite
- A nice li'l place with images, links, tips on Win95, some Internet jargon, and more.
- People Magazine
- Read the articles of People Magazine on the Internet!
- Snoopy's Dog House
- Who needs the funny pages? Read about everyone's favorite beagle online! You'll need a graphics browser for the comic strips, though (sorry, Lynx users
- TV Guide Online
- Find out what's showing on TV..
- Sony Online
- Read about the latest news from Sony Entertainment, including music, movies, information about Digital Versatile Discs, and much, much more!
- Doctor HTML
- A must-visit page if you're thinking of making your own page! Doctor HTML will check your code, look for outdated links, check your spelling, and more! Best of all, it's free!
- HTML Help
- Everything you need to find about building your own web page..
- HTML Writers Guild's list of HTML resources
- Um.. I think the title's pretty self-explainatory =P
- Matt's Script Archive
- Going to build your own web page? Need to do some of the cool things you see on other pages, but don't know how? Check here!
Video/Computer Games
- Andy Eddy's Video Game FAQs
- Need to know more about a certain video game? Look for the answers to your questions here!
- Anime PSX
- Find out more about current and upcoming Playstation (Japan) games that are based on anime!
- LucasArts Entertainment Company Home Page
- Information about some of the games from LucasArts.
- Online Gaming Review
- Why pay for gaming mags while killing a few trees in the process, when you can read the review online for free, and be environmentally friendly?
- SONY PlayStation Home Page
- Want to know more about the PSX?
Search on Your Own!
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Member of #SAS#, the Sasami Appreciation Society.
©1996-1997 Dr. Briefs, Capsule Corp.